How To Easily Transition To School After A Winter Break

Winter break from school at International School of MN can be a very relaxing time for school children. It is a time to rest and recharge and celebrate the holidays with friends and family. After a long time away from school, however, it can be hard to get back into routines once it is time to return. Here are some helpful tips that will help get you and your child ready to return to school after winter break: Read More 

2 Things You Should Never Say To Your Kindergarten Student

When your little one is ready to go to kindergarten school, it can be an exciting time for both you and your child. However, it is a change, and any sort of upheaval in the life of a kid can be challenging. They may be particularly needy as they adjust and experience kindergarten, but the good news is that they will probably come to you to discuss how they feel when you encourage them to do so and avoid making these mistakes that parents of kindergarten students often make. Read More 

3 Things To Keep In Mind For The Reading Portion Of The SAT

As you get ready to go and take the SAT, here are three things that you need to keep in mind as you take the reading portion of the test. #1 Remember That There Is Only One Correct Answer One of the most important things to keep in mind as you get ready to take the test is that there is only one correct answer for each question. Since there is only one right answer, one of the best things that you can do is engage in the process of elimination as you go through any test questions that you find tricky. Read More