Why You Should Participate In A Study Abroad Program In High School

The opportunity to study abroad can change your life and change your goals. It's a chance to broaden your horizons and immerse yourself in a new experience. Taking advantage of that opportunity while you are still in high school is a great way to get a head start on your college experience and career. If you need more reasons to jump on this chance to see some of the world, here are four.

1. Experience Other Cultures 

When you study abroad, you are living outside of your home environment. You are opening yourself up to new experiences and learning about another way of life. You can gain new perspectives from seeing life through someone else's eyes. 

Some study abroad programs focus on one country and might even allow you the opportunity to live with a host family and participate in their daily life. Other programs still focus on one country, but they travel extensively within that country, letting you get a glimpse of many different lifestyles. Still other programs travel to multiple countries during the semester; this gives you a broad look at many different kinds of cultures and places. 

2. Beef Up Your Resume for College 

Another reason to study abroad in high school is to stand out to a college admissions board. Many students have good grades, but not many have taken the opportunity to leave their comfort zones and study abroad. A student with study abroad experience has a deeper appreciation for diversity and cultural differences. They are typically more resilient and willing to try something new. Colleges like someone with more travel experience. 

3. Discover Yourself 

Studying abroad can be a transformative experience. Students in high school can learn more than just academics from a study abroad program; learning in a new environment can open them up to ideas they hadn't considered before. You can learn about yourself as you face and conquer challenges like homesickness, culture shock, and the everyday adventures of living in a foreign country. You can learn independence, pick up a knack for a new language, and even develop a lifelong love of traveling. 

4. Have Fun 

One of the best reasons to choose a study abroad program is to have fun. Studying abroad is a blast! You can try new foods every day, see some amazing sights that will stick with you for the rest of your life, and you can make friends from around the world.

For more information about study abroad programs, contact a resource like A+ World Academy.
